Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tamil Online FM Radio Staitons

Although the recent developments of technology has gotten into the 21st century many a tools for listening songs like ipods & MP3 Players, i personally prefer to listen songs from the live radio station. Despite of the fact thaat the quality of the song might be a bit compromising issue, i still like to listen to the radio a lot. Mostly becoz you do not know which song is gonna be played next, and theres always a kick in it. Apart from the musical prgrams of the radio, i usually enjoy other programs like talk shows, comedies, sports broadcast, news, etc etc...
Actually i have to thank my friend Sudha, who told me the information. So here you go, a live online tamil FM Radio stations, for people like me.

Please click the below links:

Suryan FM
50 Plus Live Tamil Radio Stations

Have fun!!!

Your comments are invaluable, pls feel free to inscribe your views.

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